Alma Gemela

If I erase you from my mind
I will not be hurt
No more jealousy nothing
but compassion and support
Or trying to summoning a killa like Tom Riddle no Voldemort

The pain will be gone with the flip of a switch
I won’t tell you either because momma ain’t raise no snitch
Will I miss what we had?
You Damn right I will!
Nobody in this world can make me feel how you made me feel.

This isn’t goodbye it’s just the next chapter
When we are older we can go back and read it
Just right after
We get done drinking and smoking
Ending that night with laughter
I guarantee when I’m older I’ll probably be fatter😅

We are The best of friends but my feelings are just a bit too much
I don’t want to be a burden not even a fuss.
So I just shut them off so I can stop this sadness
I want to remember what it was like when I could touch happiness

These thoughts are now locked up and I just said goodbye
The facade you will see next we meet is the reason why
I’m not good with internal struggle or grief
But I feel a little better now with this newly formed release

This is my last time i will say this out loud
I love you girl and I am very proud
You made me into a stronger person today
Now I’m going to change my soul And stop being so ugly

May love and fortune take you on a grand journey
May you never end up in a hospital gurney
Please be safe into the night
wake each morning to the morning light.
If I die before you wake
know that my soul will protect you
And keep you safe.

Bye bye 🖤

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